Along with your application, please provide a description of the expenses in your request.

For example, if you are requesting help with a funeral, please provide a breakdown of the


If you are requesting the purchase of an item, please provide as specific information as possible

about the item and cost (a photo of the item and item number; an estimate from a vendor; a

purchase order; or some way to specify the exact amount required to provide assistance).

Apply for Assistance

To apply for assistance click the link below. You will be asked to upload a copy of your CDIB card for verification:

What can’t CNALMA cover?

CNALMA is designed to cover emergency expenses for unanticipated events.

Assistance is not normally authorized for:

 Long-term, continuing, or frequent assistance

 Rent

 Legal fees

 Personal credit card balances

 Taxes

 Gambling debts

 Business ventures

 Marriage or divorce costs

 Vacations

 Non-emergency furnishings or cars

 Disciplinary costs

 Any costs related to a second home or rental property

 Personal, unspecified loans